Used Music Video Piera Van de Wiel

“Used” by Piera Van de Wiel | End Domestic Violence music video out now!

Piera Van de Wiel’s single “Used” has been raising awareness of the shadow pandemic of Domestic Violence and the increasing numbers due to Covid-19. Now releasing the OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO that shows us the harrowing truth of DV/ Intimate Partner Violence, the signs of domestic violence, who it affects, the shelters, and how we can educate ourselves to offer aid. The Canadian Women’s Foundation released “Signal For Help” a global hand gesture and movement which acts as a distress signal for victims of domestic violence. Let’s make this signal global and help all women around the world who are suffering. If victims are unable to verbally communicate due to their abuser, let’s empower each and everyone of them with non verbal communication – and this could just save their lives. We are Stronger with Music.

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